Projects and Ideas
NZ wide support for campers and self containment testing officers
Your local RV business or testing officer,
also most hardware and plumbing
or farm supplies shops will have many
of the parts you require.
If you are unable to locally source the parts or kits you require check out our online shop
or contact us admin@nzlifestylecamping.com

This webpage has been created to help individuals and self containment Testing Officers with a selection of ideas and solutions in converting vehicles for certified self containment.
For more detailed information please view or download our latest guidelines.
Check out the images to the right and comments below to get ideas on what you can do.
Fresh water storage
Requirement - 12ltrs per person capacity opaque container.
For safety your fresh water must be kept in approved, non toxic, food or water storage containers. These are generally cloudy white or blue tinted and meet or exceed the self containment, water storage requirements of NZS 5465:2001.
You can use multiple fresh water containers;
e.g. 2 x 20L to reach the capacity.
Your water and waste containers must be secured when travelling.
Do not use old containers that may have had chemicals in them for fresh water storage or use solvent based paint on your plastic fresh water containers as this may taint the water.
Why opaque? A clear / transparent water container while suitable for pure or filter water if new or clean, may increase the risk of bacterial and algal growth through sunlight. It ise a good idea to keep your fresh water container in a dark cupboard or wrapped / insulated.
(If a pump is used a vent will be required. If tank is fixed internally an external overflow vent is a good idea.)
Non Corrodible Grey waste containers
Requirement - 12ltrs per person sealed capacity.
Most plastic water containers are 20 ltr or 25 ltr although Mitre 10 and Kmart during the summer stock a wide neck 23 ltr container which holds 25 ltr. These can be fitted a variety of ways into a cupboard unit. and can be used as a removeable or fixed container. For grey waste old industrial containers (with no leaks) can be used.
As an option NZLC can supply a 2 piece, sealable, 30 litre container 165mm high which can fit under beds. These are also available from some Bunnings outlets. Refer images. (These can be sealed with silicone and small screws.)
You may also like to contact a specialist tank manufacturer or RV servicing business.
A wheel-away waste tank can be used both in and outside of the vehicle. These generally only come in 40, 45 and 46 litre sizes. a second container can be used (and/or added inline) to increase capacity.
Under vehicle tanks must be adequately secured.
Waste tank capacity to small?
Extra tanks can be used to meet requirements. These must have sealable fittings and the ability to be vented.
Venting your Grey waste container.
Your grey waste container requires venting for filling and draining. The vent also helps reduce the odour entering your vehicle.
The vent must be rise above the flood level of your lowest shower / sink fitting and exit the vehicle. The vent also must be able to be sealed off when a portable tank is removed.
With an internal waste tank fitting the vent hose is often taken up above the sink level then down and through the floor. With an underfloor caravan / campervan the vent hose can run under the floor and up into a vented locker.
Where a portable / wheel away waste container is used the vent to tank connection must be able to be capped / sealed.
Sealed - Non spillable waste containers
Your waste containers must be able to be sealed / capped if removed for emptying. You can purchase replacement caps from most plastic product retail chains Payless Plastics, Plastic Box etc.
You can also purchase caps and plugs for your Camlock and Hansen connectors to prevent leakage from the sink outlet.
Avoiding greywaste spills inside the vehicle
If you have removable waste containers there is a chance of spills inside the vehicle. You can reduce this risk by:
Having a spill tray under your waste containers
Using a cap or plug at the end of your sink waste pipe or hose when the waste container is removed.
Emptying greywaste
Use a dump station or sewerage connection. Do not empty in public drains as this causes pollution to our rivers and streams.
If you have a fixed tank you must have 3 metres of waste hose. This must form a seal to the vehicle waste when connected with no leaks. You can have a 2 part hose e.g; 1.2 m and 1.8m for as sometimes only a short hose is needed.
Portable Toilets.
A portable toilet must have a waste holding capacity of 1 litre per person per day and should have room for an initial charge of water / biological agent. Using dry toilet that does not have liquid in the bottom first can cause problems.
Your toilet must be an approved toilet with a valve that separates the upper and lower compartments. Proper, commercially produced, composting toilets are acceptable.
Your toilet waste must be emptied into the sewerage system, through public dumpstations.
We recommend the use of an eco friendly product available from RV retail stores and hardware stores. Ecogreen are one company who supply biological tabs (and liquid products) which break down sludge and reduce odour using natural bacteria. Biological eco friendly products are preferred.
Suppliers for those parts you need

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