Self Containment Issuing Authority
email: admin@nzlifestylecamping.com
Phone 027 246 9778

To arrange a self containmnent check please select from North Island or South Island Testing and contact a local testing officer.
For more information on paying the $45.00 processing and issue fee (or $60.00 including camping club membership) please scroll down the page.
NZ Lifestyle Camping is committed to supporting
the NZ Recreational camping industry in partnership
with NZ's national camping club
All Points Camping Club of NZ
You can join NZ's national camping club for only $35.00 or discounted with your self containment processing fee.
Understanding the Changes to the Freedom Camping ACT
The following table and information has been added for your reference.
It is anticipated that from 1 February 2024 (estimated) NZLC will be offering 3 levels of certified-self containment, as a result of recent legislation changes.
Under the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board, self-containment certificate with a permanently fitted toilet. Recognised under the Freedom Camping Act for 4 years from the date of issue. A green warrant / window card is issued
Permanently Fitted Toilets Under the current NZS5465:2001 Standard, self containment with a blue window card, for vehicles with permanently fitted toilets, recognised NZ wide
Portable Toilets: If a vehicle is fitted with a portable toilet it can still get a limited self containment certificate to stay on private or commercial land, host properties and at events etc. Under the Freedom Camping Act (free camping on council or LINZ land) the vehicle is not recognised for 'free' camping Please refer to the table below.
New infringement fees and fines are enforceable from 13 July. Read more here.

The self-containment vehicle certification changes only apply to the Freedom Camping Act and vehicles camping 'FREE' on Local Authority Controlled land, LINZ land and some Department of Conservation Properties. The certification changes do not apply to private or commercial land, NZTA land not controlled by councils, park over properties, and private or public events or ANY paid camping.
If your vehicle has a portable toilet you may still get a self-containment certificate for staying on land or properties not covered by the Freedom Camping Act. This is your choice. If this is required by you please contact one of the NZLC testing officers (visit NZLC website - link above) or NZMCA
If you receive a new 'limited' self-containment certificate with a portable toilet the new law states you cannot stay on council controlled, LINZ or DOC land unless the area is designated for non self-contained vehicles including the permanent toilet requirement.
Please note that we are unaware of any councils enforcing the new law at this time.
Gary Stoneley, Director, NZ lifestyle NZ Lifestyle Camping
Still unsure - Contact the experts at the MBIE Responsible Camping Team or your local council office.
How to get your self containment certificate issued through
NZ Lifestyle Camping.
Step 1) Find your nearest self containment testing officer by by clicking on the
North Island and South Island tabs
at the top of this page.
Step 2) Make a booking and get your vehicle certified for self containment .
The self containment testing officer will usually charge for their time.
Step 3) Send a scanned or quality image copy of the completed checksheet to csc@nzlifestylecamping.com by email
or attach to your discounted All Points Camping Club membership form
Step 4) Make payment as detailed below
(once the checksheet and payment is received it can take 2 to 7 days for delivery with rural mail sometimes taking longer)
How to Pay your CSC processing fee
The standard fee for processing and issue of self containment documentation is $45.00.
This is discounted by $20.00
for All Points Camping Club Members. (Membership cost $35.00)
1) If paying by bank transfer the NZ LC bank account for payment is: BNZ 02-0628-0084975-00
(Enter vehicle Rego no as reference)
2) Pay by paypal
3) $60.00 including
All Points Camping Club
membership with national savings.
4) Pay on the All Points Camping Shop page with Stripe, plus directly purchase club membership and products.
Note: Having a Certified Self Contained Vehicle does not make you a responsible camper, but it can make it easier.
Many local and regional authorities now expect many motorhomes, caravans and campervans to be certified as self contained in order to stay at reserves and designated freedom camping areas.
Your vehicle must have been suitably and correctly set up for self containment and meet the requirement of the NZ Standard.
NZS5465:2001 incl. amendment 2.
In general the vehicle must be fit for habitation.
It must be able to meet the fresh water, waste and ablutionary needs of the occupants for a minimum period of three (3) days.
The waste system must be suitably sealed.
The toilet must be able to be used in the vehicle when required having sufficient head and shoulder room (with the beds made up).
NZ Lifestyle Camping in conjunction with and our team of suitably qualified testing officers can help you with this.