Self Containment Certifying Authority
email: admin@nzlifestylecamping.com
or csc@nzlifestylecamping.com
Phone: admin / general 027 246 9778
processing 021 640 352
To arrange a self containment check please select from
North Island or South Island Testing pages and contact one of the local vehicle inspection officers that is listed .
Vehicles certified with a green warrant are now listed on the PGDB Self-contained vehicles register at https://www.nzscv.co.nz

With more than 100 active 'green warrant' vehicle inspectors From 01 June 2024 the NZLC self-containment network now offers certification with the new Green warrant for those vehicle owners that require it as well as the recognised blue self containment warrants.
What's the story with the new Green warrant' Self-containment vehicles system?
New Zealand’s new self-contained vehicles (SCV) system began on 7 December 2023. This only applies to vehicles that are used for 'freedom camping' as defined under the freedom camping act.
The requirements a vehicle must meet to be certified as self-contained under the new ‘green warrant’ system are set out in the:
Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Act 2006, and
Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers (Self-Contained Vehicles) Regulations 2023
- Our current priority is supporting the rental vehicle market which must transition to the new 'Green' warrants by 7 December.
NZLC continues to offer self-containment through the current NZ Standard, NZS 5465:2001 which provides evidence of the vehicle self-containment, is recognised by commercial and private host properties and is valid for 4 years.

NZLC Processing and issue fees.
( The vehicle inspector fee will be additional to this)
- Green Warrant - May require vehicle modifications in most cases Recognised for legislated freedom camping
$ 63.00 - NZLC Processing and issue fee
+ $120.00 - PGDB Levy
- Blue Warrant - Not recognised for defined 'freedom camping'.
$ 48.00 - Can have a portable toilet 4 year certification
$20.00 - Reissue of lost documentation / warrant card
NZ Lifestyle Camping is committed to supporting the NZ Recreational camping industry in partnership with NZ's national camping club
All Points Camping Club of NZ
You can join NZ's national camping club for only $35.00.
A $10 discount on your NZLC self-containment fee applies for
All Points Camping Club financial members.
How to get your self containment certificate issued through
NZ Lifestyle Camping.
Step 1) Find your nearest self containment testing officer by by clicking on the
North Island and South Island tabs
at the top of this page.
Step 2) Make a booking and get your vehicle certified for self containment .
The self containment testing officer will usually charge for their time.
Step 3) Send a scanned or quality image copy of the completed checksheet to csc@nzlifestylecamping.com by email
or attach to your discounted All Points Camping Club membership form
Step 4) Make payment through your testing officer or direct to NZ Lifestyle Camping, using your vehicle registration number as a reference
Note: Having a Certified Self Contained Vehicle does not make you a responsible camper, but it can make it easier.
Many local and regional authorities now expect many motorhomes, caravans and campervans to be certified as self contained in order to stay at reserves and designated freedom camping areas.
In general the vehicle must be fit for habitation.
It must be able to meet the fresh water, waste and ablutionary needs of the occupants for a minimum period of three (3) days.
The waste system must be suitably sealed.
NZ Lifestyle Camping in conjunction with and our team of suitably qualified testing officers can help you with this.